Thursday, October 10, 2019

Alcohol and substance abuse Essay

Introduction There are many challenges facing the world today raging from political conflicts (wars), natural disasters, famine, diseases, economic and social problems among others. Every continent on this earth and for that matter every country have encountered one or more of such problems. However some countries have been able to eradicate or minimize the occurrence and effect of some these problems such as famine, economic issues, political conflicts etc. Usually, developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are the most vulnerable to all these problems. Apart from natural disasters which its occurrence can hit any country, developed countries encounter minimal problems of famine , political or economic problems but are often challenged with especially social problems including substance abuse mainly alcohol usage. What is Substance Abuse Substance abuse have been one of mankind oldest weakness as we have as human beings, in one way or the other either consciously or unconsciously have abuse some sort of substances at a particular point in time of our life. In ancient Greece, were a group of people called â€Å"lotus eaters† where they used lotus fruits and flowers as form of food which put them in some form of hallucinogenic state. Substance abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the excessive use of legal substance so as to produce physical, psychological or social harm. The World Health Organization refers to substance abuse as harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances including alcohol and illicit drugs. Substance abuse which is commonly referred to as drug abuse is therefore the use of illegal or in appropriate use of a legal substance that alter the normal functioning of the brain or nervous system and are harmful to the general health of the user. (Levin et al 2000, WHO 2010) Substance Abuse in the Context of Alcohol Alcohol is a form of liquid known as ethanol and used as an ingredient or a constituent of intoxicating beverages such as beer, spirits, wine and other drinks. Alcohol is the most prevalent psychoactive substance used by many people. It is often used as a form of depressant which as a result slow the effective performance or operation of the central nervous system. Substance abuse drugs are categorized as stimulants (caffeine, nicotine), depressant (alcohol, valium), hallucinogens (ecstasy, LSD), cannabis (hashish, marijuana) and steroids (Macionis 2005, WHO 2010). Why people use alcohol There are number of reasons why people use alcohol. Curiosity among other reasons such as for recreational, spiritual, psychological, social conformity etc. are often the explanation given. Some of these reasons are not obvious and most people use different forms of excuses like, I have had a stressful day or week, I have friends coming around, I have to get in the mood to socialize etc. Recreational and Spiritual People see alcohol consumption as a form of leisure. Example, some people may drinking a glass of wine or beer before, after or with a meal to increase their appetite, make the food taste better or make them more relaxed. Many cultures around the world use alcohol in their spiritual practices and believes. In Ghana and other African countries, often alcohol is used as a form of offering in pouring libation to the gods. Psychological and Social Conformity Due to the psychoactive effect of alcohol, it is seen as a way of alleviating stress, mental and emotional problems. Some people use alcohol due to a particular society, group, affiliation etc. that they belong to in other to fit in. During social events, alcohol are usually served and many people believe by consuming alcohol will instill a sense of confidence when in the company of others. Example is among college students and young adolescent where due to peer pressure find themselves drinking alcohol. People living in isolation with poor network support and decrease mobility may often turn to alcohol especially among senior citizens. Alcohol and other substance abuse as a problem In most societies, people have different opinions and mixed feelings about alcohol and other forms of substance abuse. Some people may consider its use as beneficial while others may disagree. However, the problems created by alcohol and other substance abuse are staggering than the benefits derived. The most commonly problems we often witness are public drunkenness, disorderly behavior, traffic and industrial accidents, broken families, crime, poor social functioning and worsening of existing conditions such as poverty, mental and physical illness. (Kornblum and Julian 1974). Key findings indicated that more people suffer from alcohol use disorders compare to drug use and both types are common in men than in women. In every year 35 out of 100,000 people are killed by alcohol where as in 2012 3. 3 million deaths were attributed to alcohol consumption globally. 5. 4% of world’s annual disease burden is caused by alcohol and illicit drug use, whereas tobacco accounted for 3. 7%. Globally 46% of all men and 73% of women abstain from alcohol. This means 54% of men and 27% of women of the total global population have at some point in their life consumed alcohol before. Therefore 81% of the total worldwide population have consumed alcohol at some point in time. 6. 2 liters of pure alcohol were consumed per person aged 15 years or older in 2010 worldwide. Developed countries have the highest consumption rate with Europe having the highest level of alcohol consumption while the lowest is found in the South East Asia region (WHO 2014). Effect of Alcohol Alcohol consumption has several negative effect on the user which as a result affect the society, country and the globe. The annual death rate related to alcohol consumption is about 3. 3 million globally. The individual also becomes very vulnerable of contracting other diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, anemia, heart attack etc. Alcohol and other substance users are more exposed to social related harm like rape, accidents, injury or even death. Governments in various countries spend huge sums of money to treat and rehabilitate substance abuser, such individuals sometimes lose earnings, become unemployable or lose their family. The money, time and health care facilities used to rehabilitate these individuals put lot of economic strain on the government budget and even the economical contributions of such individual is even severe if the person is a professional example a medical doctor, teacher, IT technician etc. Such monies could be used to do other social economic developments to improve the overall wellbeing of the society and the globe. The Finnish government spend about 1. 3 billion euros annually for managing alcohol related problems according to the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Yle News 2013, WHO 2014). Conclusion Alcohol and other substance abuse is not an individualistic problem but a worldwide issue where all governments must work together to combat, reduce, if not eradicate the total consumption of it. Good policies on better health care systems, improved economic policies and strong but encouraged social living programs should be implemented. Efficient advocacy programs, effective regulatory strategies and the involvement of community base action programs to care, support and prevent the sale and consumption of alcohol and other substance abuse materials should be implemented and encourage. Reference Dowd Thomas E, Rugle L. Substance Abuse, A Practitioner’s Guide to Comparative Treatments. New York: Springer Publishing Company 2006. Julian J, Kornblum W. Social Problems. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishing 1974. Levin et al. Social Problems. California: Roxbury publishing company 2000. Macionis John J. Social Problems. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishing 2005. Alcohol: Definition. World Health Organization (Accessed 13. 09. 2014) http://www. who. int/substance_abuse/activities/msbatlaschone. pdf? ua=1 Alcohol and Health: Factors and Effects. World Health Organization (Accessed 13. 09. 2014) http://www. who. int/substance_abuse/publications/global_alcohol_report/msb_gsr_2014_1. pdf? ua=1 Alcohol: Cost. National Institute for Health and Welfare THL. (Accessed 14. 09. 2014) http://yle. fi/uutiset/huge_costs_caused_by_alcohol_ause/6639487.

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